Copyrighted image. (c) 1994 Dyan Garris. Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards

Hi! Welcome to my site, Twin Flame There are a lot of twin flame cards and twin flame oracle decks out there these days. You want to find the right ones for you.  You want the ones that speak to your spirit and help you move forward on your path. I hope I can help you with that, and therefore, on your twin flame journey.

Dyan Garris pictureAllow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Dyan Garris. I’ve been making oracle decks, angel oracle decks, and all kinds of others since 1993 and twin flame oracle decks since 2019. It is a particular passion of mine to help those on the twin flame journey. It can be confusing to say the least. So, through my oracle decks, it is my hope to offer you some genuine guidance.

I am a trance channel medium and psychic (retired from readings). I am also an award-winning author and award-winning musician. My oracle decks are all channeled and that started with my very first deck, “Voice of the Angels – A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards.” Those angel cards had channeled messages from angels which came through to me in quatrain verse, a journal, a guided meditation, and a music CD. It was truly a multi-dimensional healing journey and a labor of love.

For many years, I wrote Daily Channeled Message every day that went out to multitudes of people. So, I’ve been channeling the “collective” and for the “collective” for a very long time.

Twin Flames have incarnated here on this planet at this time for a variety of reasons. One is to raise the frequency of the love vibration on Earth. We need that here. Generational soul growth, balance between the masculine and feminine energies, ascension, the fulfillment of soul contracts. . .those too.

I find that there is much confusion and differing information out there regarding twin flames, and through my oracle decks, it is my hope to clear up some of that confusion and help guide you on your path. That is my earthly purpose, and it’s what I have come here to do, and it’s what I have always done, and what I will do until it is my time to depart this place.

I’ve created a variety of oracle decks for you and for your twin flame journey, as well as for Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Healing, integration of mind, body, and spirit, and what we might call “ascension,” which is very simply put, being your highest and best self, fulfilling your purpose, helping others, raising your frequency, which raises the vibration of the energies of this planet and being LOVE.

Here are some of my decks and you will find all available decks in my store on this site. I also have an Etsy shop you can visit. We don’t ship outside of the USA from this site, but we DO ship internationally from our Etsy store.